

Nominated for the 2015-2016 Season

Best Supporting Actress / Play
Margarette Joyner, for colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf by Ntozake Shange - Heritage Ensemble Theatre

Nominated for the 2007-2008 Season

Best Actress – Play
Margarette Joyner, From the Mississippi Delta by Endesha Ida Mae Holland, African American Rep. Theatre


Spokesperson, Glory Foods - Brandon Agency, Mrytle Beach SC

Anna, Documentary by Kwakiutl Dreher, William G. Thomas, Michael Burton, Khris Royal - University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

Slave Mother, City of Lost Slaves, Documentary by Andreas Gutzeit, Richmond, VA

Principal, VA Bon Secour Commercial, Hutson Talent Agency, Portsmouth, VA

Principal, Virginia Lottery Commercial, Park Group, Richmond, VA

Principal, The Green Book Project for the Smithsonian African American History Museum, Cortina Productions, Fairfax, VA



Actor Interpreter,  Colonial Williamsburg Foundation - Williamsburg, VA

Nurse/Flower Lady/Jazz Singer - Street Car Named Desire - Dr. Tawnya Pettiford Wates, Director - Firehouse Theatre, Richmond, VA

Mother Henry - Blues for Mr. Charlie - Chuck Mike, Director - University of Richmond, Richmond, VA

Mrs. Dickson - Intimate Apparel - Chuck Mike, Director - University of Richmond, Richmond, VA

Mrs. Breedlove - Bluest Eye - April Jones, Director - Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Mama Shaw - CROWNS Leslie Owens-Harrington, Director - Barksdale Theatre, Richmond, VA

Queen Margaret - Richard III - James Ricks, Director - Richmond Shakespeare Theatre Company, Richmond, VA

Truvy - Steel Magnolias - Derome Scott Smith, Director - African American Repertory Theatre, Richmond, VA

Mama - A Raisin in the Sun - Matt Ames, Director - University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL

Fraulein Schneider - Cabaret - Matt Ames, Director - University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL

just to name a few...


Artistic Director Margarette Joyner, in a rare onstage appearance as Red, in For Colored Girls... brings chills with her horrid tale of the unspeakable carnage that results when a woman named Crystal refuses to marry the father of her two young children. ~ Julinda Lewis, Special Correspondent, Richmond, VA

I saw one African-American interpretation. “My Story; My Voice,” is the heart-wrenching tale of Betty, a woman who was enslaved by a wealthy family in Williamsburg. Put together from the fragments of documents that remain, the one-woman show charts Betty’s childhood, including the moment her mother is sold to another family and, later, Betty’s transfer to the family plantation. Records show, the actor-interpeter Margarette Joyner told the audience, that by the time she was 50, Betty was listed as “worthless.” ~ Sebastian Modak, New York Times

Margarette Joyner’s performance in Animal Control is not only compelling, but adds a welcome dab of humor. ~ TVJerry Podcast, Richmond, VA

Margarette Joyner delivers a riveting performance as Anna, and powerfully narrates what led Anna to the window and her awful moment of decision. ~ "Anna" Menokin Speaker 2019 Series, Richmond, VA

Margarette Joyner is very good as the confident Sadie Logan. Her reactions are superb and she gives a very fine performance. Her musical numbers remind me of the top rhythm and blues tracks. ~ Brian Hoffman, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Coral Springs, FL